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Prophetic Conference

At the beginning of each year, we hold our Prophetic Conference to build faith and listen to what God says about the upcoming season. Join us in January for the next Prophetic Conference.

Prophetic Conference 2024

Pursuing prophesy isn't just Biblical; it's a God-given command. The Holy Spirit wants to reveal Heavenly mysteries so that the Bride of Christ will be fully equipped to see God's Kingdom advance in this hour.

Join us on 19 and 20 January, 2024 for the next Prophetic Conference to focus on what God is saying about this upcoming season. Tickets are FREE! We will be using the LiveVoice app for the interpreting during the meetings. You will find more information about the app in your confirmation e-mail.


Emma Stark

Emma Stark is a powerful prophet who boldly proclaims the Word of God. She unapologetically shares what God puts on her heart!

Wim Hoddenbagh

Wim is known for organizing worship sessions in the city squares all over the Netherlands, known as the Presence movement. He is on a mission to see God's presence flood the nation!

Tom de Wal

Tom, founder of Frontrunners Ministries, is on fire to raise up a revival generation that is sold-out for God's Kingdom. He delivers a radical message that is strongly backed up by God's Word.

1 Corinthians 14:1

Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.

About Frontrunners Ministries

Frontrunners Ministries, led by Tom and Femke de Wal, is a ministry based in the Netherlands. Our mission is to raise up a generation of Frontrunners that is totally sold out for the Kingdom of God—full of faith and power in the Holy Spirit. We do this by providing Biblical teaching about faith, provision, healing, deliverance and the identity and authority of a believer.

Birthed from the passion we have for the message God has given us, we use every possible method God gives us to spread His Word: offline in meetings, online in videos and in printed books. What is more, we believe that everyone should have access to God’s Word, and that is why we make all our teaching available for FREE and that includes our conferences, events, Bible Schools and all our books of which over 700,000 copies have been printed in Dutch alone and are now being translated to English, German, and French.

If you read Toms books or listen to his messages, you will quickly notice that radicality, faith, and the power of the Holy Spirit mark his teaching. Tom is not afraid to be on the cutting edge of faith. This marks his life and therefore his teaching. What's more, this often makes the most impact on the lives of the people that hear his teaching.